Linda Helms

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Energy Intuitive

Simplyalign Practitioner


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Linda’s Health Journey

I’ve had my own journey of personal healing. Although I always thought I was healthy and lived a healthy life style, all that changed when I hit my 40’s -- my hormones went crazy and I had no energy to get through the day.

Following my doctor’s advice, my hormones stabilized, yet I still felt tired all the time and was drinking a lot of water and struggling with sleep.

Through a series of events, I found a doctor who practiced integrative medicine. He diagnosed me with adrenal fatigue and it was at this point that my healing journey truly began.

I received acupuncture to balance my energy system. I worked with a NAET (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique) practitioner to reverse my many food allergies and chemical sensitivities. I saw an osteopath to put my body in alignment. I learned and used EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to change how I responded to life. All these modalities helped me achieve a higher level of functioning and better health.

However, what really changed my life was when I began working with a SimplyHealed™ (now called SimplyALIGN) practitioner to get to the energetic root causes of my health issues and my stress. A deep shift took place and I have never looked back!


I started my career as a registered nurse at the Johns Hopkins Hospital working in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit taking care of open-heart, trauma, and transplant patients.

I earned a Masters in Computer Science and switched to designing and creating clinical information systems for doctors and nurses.

After doing energy work with family and friends for many years, I left my software development leadership role to follow my passion. Now I am a full-time provider of energy healing work.

Healing Approach

While my background as a nurse enables me to understand, from the western medicine point-of-view, what is going on clinically in the body; my understanding of the body’s energy systems (chakras, meridians, grid, etc.) helps me to understand imbalances that might be present and causing physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual symptoms. With my intuition, I can see or feel issues that clients are experiencing. This helps to guide and direct the session for healing.